Monday 3 January 2022


Going to be a dream bore again….

I dreamed last night that for whatever reason my family had several jars of water and we had live fish in them. The fish started out small, but then were really doing quite well and growing.

I noticed one evening that one of the jars had a particularly corpulent fish in it. This fish was much too big for its jar, so much so that it could barely turn sideways. It spent most of its time poking its jaws out of the water, mouthing at air. It was also quite obviously trying to jump out of the jar (but struggled to do so).

“That fish!” I exclaimed to my husband. “It’s going to jump out of the jar! What do we do!”

I was really quite frightened of this fish, and its obvious…well…fish-ness. I didn’t want to walk away or leave it in case it jumped out when I wasn’t there. A large dead fish on the floor was an obvious problem, but a live active fishy fish was also a problem. What to do with it? A bigger jar? Put it in the bathtub? It was also so full of life, it was clearly wrong to keep it confined in a jar.

So what does it mean? I haven’t had any specific inspiration for New Year’s, but how about this: find the big fish in my life a river to thrive in.

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