Friday 11 March 2022

A Tale of Two Blogs

I've had three longer-running blogs in my adulthood, of which this one is the most recent. Last year it made sense to me to have two active blogs: my older one,, which mainly focuses on family, and this one. I was trying to redefine myself and my online life, and the way it made sense to me was that torthuiljourney would be like a diary, and torthuilexplores would be a place to explore ideas, which specifically might take me in a different direction than the older blog, and outside the expectations of whatever audience I had built. Or put a different way, one blog would be about exploring ideas, and the other would be how I implement them in my life.

Lately it feels a bit redundant to have two blogs, as what I want to talk about could fit easily on either, and I find myself not worrying much at all for being judged for exploring ideas (Why should I stress over that? this is about me doing the best for myself and my family.) So more so than previously I've found myself duplicating, or almost duplicating posts. I think this is a good sign, as it shows that I am living out the ideas I am considering. There isn't my 'real life' and my 'life of the mind,' or not as much. There is.....Life!

I will keep the two blogs for now. There is still a lot of unique content on each. But they are not strictly divided in my mind, and I don't see the reason for anyone to read one and definitely not the other.

With that in mind, here is a link to my (developing) thoughts on a very special recent experience.

I shared this one on torthuiljourney as it is about my family, but it easily fits here too because I try to process my thoughts on belonging to a cultural community and to the the war in Ukraine.

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