Monday 22 July 2024

Just Maybe

I always hear “Just Maybe” in Cookie Rankin’s voice.

Anyway. I wrote a while ago about how I don’t call myself a feminist anymore. I say that not being completely confident I ever did call myself a feminist in the first place. However it certainly was part of the environment I came of age in. So the beliefs and assumptions are all there in my awareness, able to be acknowledged and interrogated.

Sometimes I read something that does so in a usefully provocative way. After some years of reading mostly male writers, I seem to be finding interesting female writers as well.  Mary Harrington is probably the one I read the most lately, as well as Caroline RossFreya India and Ruth Gaskovski. But there are others too, and this piece by Emily Hancock was enjoyable and thought provoking today.

I try not to over-focus on whether I’m a This or a That, or whether I’ve found a Way of Thinking that Explains Everything. I find such stances annoying, as in they annoy me in other people and sooner or later they annoy me even more in myself. But, I always have one ear open (two as often as I can spare them) for anything that will help me explain certain thorny matters to my daughters.

Mary Harrington calls herself a “reactionary feminist” and I’m not sure what if anything Emily Hancock calls herself. Anyway I’m not seeking another label. But if there is a kind of feminist who explores how to be a fully embodied being, how to find self-awareness elsewhere than consumerism, who can be ruthlessly honest, well maybe I could be that kind of feminist. Just maybe.

Edit: I have to add this quote from another of Emily’s essays:

“I don’t want to be a foremother who passes down a legacy of avoidance and disembodiment, I want to be a foremother whose legacy is one of facing hard things head-on, roaring reclamation, and tenderness for our innate female qualities and experiences.” 
—An Ungovernable Pain

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