Monday 29 July 2024

Quotations from Vacation

"What if we saw attention in the same way we see air or water: As a valuable resource that we hold in common?"

Matthew B. Crawford, quoted by Ruth Gaskovski in You Are Who You Meet: A Geography of Common Ground (July 16th)

"Walking now amidst silence and spaciousness, I became absorbed in the landscape and was consciously grateful that I lived in a country where undisturbed engagement with the natural world is possible. It is something I have never taken for granted."

Dougie Strang, The Bone Cave, page 75.

"How would it be to live a balanced life, filled with meaning and ceremony, in a place where you were from and where your culture's stories told you that you had always been from - and then to be severed from that?"

Dougie Strang, The Bone Cave, page 39

"If, in response to whatever image the world throws at us, we look at our hearts, we can see instantly if peace dwells there, or something else: anger, rage, righteousness, distraction, even joy. If it is not peace, then something, or someone, is leading us astray."

Paul Kingsnorth, All the World is Myth (July 15th 2024)

"A'Mhoine is deemed ideal for a spaceport because of its "emptiness" and lack of light pollution. Lying in my tent in the dark, I thought about the difference between "empty" and "absent," about the loss of settlements and homes that the Moine Path once linked, and about how loss is carried forward, is inter-generational, like a weight on the cultural consciousness, pressing down whether acknowledged or not." 

Dougie Strang, The Bone Cave, page 108

"In space, a black hole has an "event horizon," which is the point at which nothing, not even light, can escape the pull of gravity. There are similar horizons in ordinary life, edgelands of new experience that can pull us out of our habitual orbits with irresistible gravity, and plunge us into areas that we never knew existed."

"There's a notion that stories are eternally present in the landscape, that Diarmid is always hunting the boar on the hill, that a roe deer fawn is always slipping into the birch wood and finding Hamish Henderson asleep there."

Dougie Strang, The Bone Cave, page 118

"We go to the woods because we must. No cathedrals without towering trunks, no books without trees, no crops without clouds, which are the outbreath of forests. We go to the green to remember what community really is, how interdependence underpins all life, to see through the myth of the lone protagonist once and for all."

Caroline Ross, A Walk that Never Ends (July 22nd 2024)

"My heart is like a paved street, covered by asphalt-shaped wounds and such. But the potholes that appear allow the earth of my soul to breathe and flowers to spring forth, ever-renewing."

Fr. Stephen, What to Do When God is Everywhere (July 29th 2024)

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